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Item Information

snippet: The CPN is used to provide authoritative location and project data used in analyses supporting planning, engineering, operations and maintenance, and emergency management that require place-based location information. CPN will be populated for each funded and active physical project that includes a “site” where work has been (or is being) executed under all Civil Works and/or Military Programs activities, including projects that USACE is executing in partnership with other agencies through the Interagency Support Program. CPN is not intended to track transient or temporary project information such as field data collection sites where USACE personnel may be located for a short period of time. All projects have an associated point location, many projects have an area delineation polygon associated.
summary: The CPN is used to provide authoritative location and project data used in analyses supporting planning, engineering, operations and maintenance, and emergency management that require place-based location information. CPN will be populated for each funded and active physical project that includes a “site” where work has been (or is being) executed under all Civil Works and/or Military Programs activities, including projects that USACE is executing in partnership with other agencies through the Interagency Support Program. CPN is not intended to track transient or temporary project information such as field data collection sites where USACE personnel may be located for a short period of time. All projects have an associated point location, many projects have an area delineation polygon associated.
extent: [[-180,-90],[180,90]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
title: Corps Project Notebook
type: Map Service
tags: ["cpn"]
culture: en-US
name: Corps_Project_Notebook
guid: ADAC6634-F343-4C43-AB89-F6FBAC110A9A
minScale: 0
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984