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"respectsDaylightSaving": false, "timeZone": "UTC" }, "supportsFieldDescriptionProperty": true, "hasM": true, "allowGeometryUpdates": true, "isView": true, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "globalIdField": null, "description": "This file geodatabase contains an AIS-based polyline feature class that is a suitable update or replacement of the existing National Waterway Network (NWN). The polyline features are to be used for mapping commonly used vessel trips, use in a network dataset or network data model for routing current or historical trips, and for calculating measures within a linear referencing system (LRS). To improve compatibility with legacy NWN processes, this product retains legacy NWN waterway names and 4-digit waterway identifiers where possible; however, not all legacy waterways are maintained and there are many new waterway segments that were produced during the analysis. Source AIS GPS waypoint data, which were collected by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) through an onboard navigation safety device that transmits and monitors the location and characteristics of vessels in U.S. and international waters in real time, were obtained for four years from 2018 to 2021 and filtered to only include commercial vessels from \u201cmarinecadastre.gov\u201d (https://marinecadastre.gov/ais/). The methodology used to create this product includes:Obtaining historical AIS waypoint GPS data from 2018 to 2021.Processing the AIS waypoint data into vessel track lines.Processing vessel track lines into a trip density raster dataset where each pixel contains the number of vessels passing through the cell.Processing of the vessel density data into a cost surface that incorporates physical features.Solving a least-cost path (LCP) and optimal regional connections (ORC) analysis to generate polyline features depicting paths connecting important navigation features such as ports.Processing and review to attribute and produce the final polyline features.", "syncCanReturnChanges": true, "supportsAsyncDelete": true, "isUpdatableView": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin" ], "geometryProperties": { 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Administration (NOAA), and the USCG Navigation Center to provide extracted and processed AIS data containing information such as location, time, vessel type, speed, length, beam, and draft and prepared for analyses in desktop GIS software.", "zDefault": 0, "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolyline", "supportsLayerOverrides": true }